The magic canoe is about a collaboration that magically expands in size to include any participants wanting to help in the effort towards achieving a shared goal.
We have chosen to build on this indigenous story, with tools for helping like-minded co-creators to fulfill their deepest hearts’ desires.
- The magic canoe process begins by co-creators tuning in to each others’ calling.
- After letting go of superfluous elements and gaining greater understanding, a shared vision will gradually emerge.
- This vision is translated to strategies, action, learning and ultimately celebrating and sharing a success.

The magic canoe process also includes a balance between:
- The building of energy and the application of energy
- The initial unstructured relational process until the shared Vision is set, and the more masculine strategizing, action planning and implementation process
- The exploration of past experiential knowledge and the discovery of new, often unexpected, knowledge
Each step of the magic canoe process can be explored in greater depth in the seven underlying tabs:

The journey from one Magic Canoe towards global transformation can be illustrated in four phases, building on co-creations between similar efforts around the world:

- Name: Bring visibility to other groups/stakeholders
- Connect: Support similar efforts around the world in developing relationships and sharing experiences
- Nourish: Groups commit to work together for a common higher goal, sharing knowledge, learning together and supporting each other in the implementation of their initiatives.
- Illuminate: Spread awareness of achievements, bringing inspiration to other networks and communities with the possibility of bringing social change to scale.